
31 Oct 2014

Are Oats The Secret To Flat Abs?

Looking to flatten your midsection? If so, you may need to look no further than your pantry each morning. One of the best six pack ab foods that too often goes missed in many people’s diets is oatmeal.

Now, I’m not talking about the ‘Peaches N’ Cream’ or ‘Apple Cinnamon’ oats you see on your grocery’s shelves, all subdivided into ready-to-eat packets for your convenience.

I’m talking about good old-fashioned steel cut oats.  Oats that take longer to prepare and don’t come with any ingredients other than, well… oats.  Pure. Simple. Nutritious.  This is what real oatmeal has to offer.

Most people don’t realize just how powerful of a food oatmeal is when it comes to getting flat abs, so let’s walk you through the benefits.

Low Sugar

First, as long as you do go ahead and purchase the plain oats as just mentioned and not the flavored varieties, you can expect to receive a very low sugar option that’ll keep your blood glucose levels stable.

As anyone who’s serious about getting flat abs knows, keeping your sugar intake under control is step one for success.

Oats help you achieve this.

While being low in sugar, they’re also carbohydrate rich, so this means they work perfectly for the post workout period.  They’ll quickly replenish lost energy, helping you recover from that hard workout session.

High Volume

Next, another big benefit to oatmeal is that it’s a high volume food, meaning you can eat a larger volume of it without worrying about weight gain.  This is ideal since most people who are dieting often feel like they’re living off very little food.  They look at their dinner plate and just wish they could eat more. Doesn’t matter what the food is in most cases, they just want more food.

Oatmeal again comes to the rescue here.  Per 100 calories of oatmeal, you will get more total food volume than if you had eaten say rice or another grain.

This means you won’t feel like you’re dieting, even though you are.

Rich In Fiber

The next big benefit to eating oatmeal is that it’s also rich in dietary fiber.  This is important because not only will it help to keep your digestive system healthier, but it also ranks low on the GI scale because of this benefit.

Adding mostly all low GI foods to your diet is one of the best methods to promote better abs.

The higher the fiber content of any carbohydrate, typically the better for you it is.


Finally, simply put, oats are satisfying.  There’s nothing quite as hunger-busting as a bowl of hearty, warm oats, so this breakfast really earns top marks for fat loss diet plans. 

Just be sure that you are only adding healthy ingredients to flavor it if you so choose to.  Cinnamon, drizzling on a little sugar-free maple syrup, slicing on a banana, stirring in some natural peanut butter, or mixing in your favourite protein powder are all healthy options that will keep your diet intact.

So keep oats in mind next time you wake up and are hungry for your morning meal.  Even as a snack, they work fantastic as an energy boosting food, particularly post workout,  that will help you get one step closer to six pack abs.

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