
30 Aug 2014

5 Of The Best Foods For Fat Burning

Tired of slow and sluggish progress with your weight loss program? If you’re ready to toss in the towel because things aren’t moving along as you had hoped, don’t do so yet.

It may just be that you need to make a few smart adjustments to your diet plan first before carrying on. While getting your calorie intake in proper alignment is first and foremost a priority, you also need to make sure that you are eating the right foods as you go as well.

Let’s walk you through some of the top foods that you should eat on a regular basis for improved fat loss.


Topping the list of terrific fat burning foods is salmon.  Salmon is so good because it’s a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which will help to boost insulin sensitivity. This means that when you then consume carbohydrates, there is a lower chance of those carbohydrates being converted into body fat stores.

In addition to that, salmon is also high in protein, which is a must for maintaining lean muscle mass and keeping your metabolism strong.

Egg Whites

Speaking of protein, that brings us to the next must-have food for your diet plan. Egg whites are also very essential as they are a ‘high volume’ food, meaning you can eat a significant amount of them without taking in all that many calories.

When dieting it may often feel like you’re eating such small meals that you never feel satisfied, so higher volume foods can help prevent this.

Egg whites are entirely fat and carb free, so one of the leanest protein sources you can consume.

Coconut Oil

Next, consider using coconut oil more often when going about your cooking.  Coconut oil is great because not only is it a heart-healthy form of fat, it also has a higher thermic effect of food, meaning you’ll burn off some of the calories it contains simply through the process of digestion.

Most dietary fats have a very low thermic effect of food, but coconut comes in at almost 15%. This means that for every 100 calories you eat, 15 of those calories will be burned off.

In addition to that, coconut is also excellent for a quick source of energy, unlike other fats that take longer to digest and break down.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is your next great fat burning food. This one is especially good because it may help to burn abdominal fat.

One study published in the International Journal of Obesity noted that when subjects consumed low fat dairy products as a regular part of their meal plan, they experienced higher truck fat loss compared to those who didn’t. In addition to this, dairy also helped retain more total lean muscle mass, which can mean a higher resting metabolic rate as well.

So make sure you get this one in. It’s perfect for eating before bed.


Finally, one of the best greens to consume is spinach.  Not only does it contain minimal calories, but it’s also an excellent source of iron, which will help ensure that you maintain a good energy level for your workouts at hand.

Since you may not be eating as much red meat, getting in sufficient iron can be a challenge, but spinach makes it easier.

So have a look at your current diet.  Are you getting enough of these foods in? If not, make some changes so you are and progress will happen at a much faster rate.

Lochs :-)

Gebhardt, L. et al. (2005). Dairy augmentation of total and central fat loss in obese subjects. International Journal Of Obesity.  Vol. 29, 391-397.

1 comment:

  1. Hey this stuff is great! I've been trying to help my mum shed off a couple of lbs and I have been visiting websites and videos related to fat burner foods and stuff. She can't really exercise because she works and gets back home quite late so naturally she gets very tired. I was just looking for a suitable supplement for her as an alternative to rigorous workouts when I came across your blog. Thanks I'll definitely give it a try.


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